Notch response paper published

Our paper on the immediate genomic response to Notch signalling with Sarah Bray’s lab is now out in PLoS Genetics. A nice start to the new year.

We wish you all an eventful and fun filled 2013.

Clustering paper preprint on arXiv

First paper sent to the arXiv preprint server.  Work by Audrey Fu on our Notch timecourse collaboration with Sarah Bray developed a new clustering approach for timecourse data.  The paper, Bayesian clustering of replicated time-course gene expression data with weak signals, is now available. Many thanks to Audrey for posting it.

Congratulations David

Many congratulations to David, he has just been offered a job as a Lecturer in Bioinformatics at the University of Wolverhampton.  We all wish him the very best of luck in this new venture, keep in touch dude!

New Music

Its been a while so find another 24hrs worth of music on the iTunes server: classic hippy tunes from Tyrannosaurus Rex (before they became Glam) that includes some ridiculous poetry read by the great John Peel, selection of Elbow B-sides, The latest from Bobby Womack (Bravest Man in The Universe) fantastic CD and some stuff I picked up at GreenMan (TOY, Alt-J, of Montreal, Daughter).  I tracked down some vintage Budgie, one of the most under-rated blues-rock band the UK ever produced,  I have particularly fond memories of the tracks from the 1980 Reading Festival performance. There’s new Public Image Ltd record that I’m liking, and many more things.  Enjoy

Summer Students

We had two fantastic summer students in the lab this summer.  Rhizlane Charai from Clermont-Ferrand in France was 8 months pregnant (her lovely daughter was born 15th Aug, she left the lab 18th July!).  She did a fabulous job of characterising the expression of a couple of proteins in Sox100B mutant embryos and generated a lovely embryonic Sox100B DamID profile.  Thanks Rhizlane and best wishes for the future.

Anna Hakes is an Oxford undergraduate who came on a Genetics Society Genes & Development Summer Studentship to generate a genome wide map of DNaseI accessible  sites in wing imaginal disc chromatin.  A superb effort from Anna, who dissected almost 1000 wing discs during her 8 week stay.  While we didn’t get the profiles, she did an excellent job of troubleshooting a very tricky piece of molecular biology and we are in a much better position to progress with this project.  Thanks to Anna, we hope she enjoys her future work in Oxford.

End of an era – ptII

After 15 years in the lab, first with Michael and then on our Gates project, David Huen is sadly moving on. David was an enormous influence in the lab and helped many a grad student with molecular biology and with computational problems.  He will be sorely missed and he has our thanks for all of his efforts over the years.  Good luck dude.


Sang Leaves Group

After almost a decade in the group, where he performed sterling work on the ProteinTrap and Grand Challenges Homing Endonuclease project as well as helping countless lab members with molecular biology and fly work, Sang is leaving the group. Luckily for the Genetics Dept, he is staying here and is now working in Yuu Kimata’s group.  It has been a pleasure to work with Sang over the years and he will be sorely missed.

Good luck mate.

10,000 Microarrays

FlyChip has just printed and hybridised its ten thousandth microarray!!

Thanks are due to the entire team over the years:

Lisa Meadows, Richard Auburn, Bettina Fischer, Ros Russell, Jason Skelton, David Kreil, Gos Micklem.


New Music

Been a while since I updated the Sys Bio music server – so treat yourselves to 1.5 days of new stuff.  New records from Neill & The Horse (Americana – quite magnificent), Pattie Smith, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Gravenhurst and some vintage Allman Bros.  New music includes Lost Rivers – a splendid record – and an EP from Daughter that I’m really liking.  Last but not least a collection of Donna Summers stuff in tribute to the departed Queen of Disco.  Enjoy!

It’s In!

Jelena’s Thesis is now done & dusted.  Very nice it looks to!  Well done.  Jelena is now with InterMine.


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