Clustering paper preprint on arXiv

First paper sent to the arXiv preprint server.  Work by Audrey Fu on our Notch timecourse collaboration with Sarah Bray developed a new clustering approach for timecourse data.  The paper, Bayesian clustering of replicated time-course gene expression data with weak signals, is now available. Many thanks to Audrey for posting it.

Congratulations David

Many congratulations to David, he has just been offered a job as a Lecturer in Bioinformatics at the University of Wolverhampton.  We all wish him the very best of luck in this new venture, keep in touch dude!

New Music

Its been a while so find another 24hrs worth of music on the iTunes server: classic hippy tunes from Tyrannosaurus Rex (before they became Glam) that includes some ridiculous poetry read by the great John Peel, selection of Elbow B-sides, The latest from Bobby Womack (Bravest Man in The Universe) fantastic CD and some stuff I picked up at GreenMan (TOY, Alt-J, of Montreal, Daughter).  I tracked down some vintage Budgie, one of the most under-rated blues-rock band the UK ever produced,  I have particularly fond memories of the tracks from the 1980 Reading Festival performance. There’s new Public Image Ltd record that I’m liking, and many more things.  Enjoy


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