10,000 Microarrays

FlyChip has just printed and hybridised its ten thousandth microarray!!

Thanks are due to the entire team over the years:

Lisa Meadows, Richard Auburn, Bettina Fischer, Ros Russell, Jason Skelton, David Kreil, Gos Micklem.


Steve in lab work shocker

I had to decend into the lab to finish our modENCODE insulator and silencer validation assays – done just in time for the Data Coordination Centre deadline!  Thanks to the group for suffering the “aged one” in the lab 🙂

Somewhat worrying for the group, I kind of got the taste for lab work again and may have to plan a sabbatical at the bench!


2012 Fly Meeting

In the glorious world of post-viva freedom, Jelena is joining in with mass fruit fly worship at the Annual Drosophila Research Conference in Chicago. She’s also occasionally expressing her enthusiasm by blogging and tweeting about it.

Jelena survives viva

Jelena had her PhD viva on Friday, after delivering a research talk to the dept, and survived relatively unscathed.  Drink was taken 🙂

Well done!

Jelena Submits Thesis :-)

Jelena submitted her thesis on Thursday, on the day she had set as a deadline.  Excellent job!

Aleksandra presents her work at Amgen symposium

Aleksandra Mandic, a very talented Amgen scholar who was working in our lab for the summer, recently completed her project and presented her work at the Amgen symposium.

Aleksandra’s project focused on the mechanism by which Dichaete dominant negative alleles produce changes in gene expression, and she generated preliminary ChIP-chip data, as well as many exciting staining pictures, to answer this.

3rd International Sox Meeting

Enrico, Jelena and Steve pay an educational visit to the worlds oldest continuously running brewery, Weihenstephan (Freising, Bavaria) at the end of the 3rd International Sox meeting in Grainau. The Korbinian Doppelbock is particularly tasty!

The meeting, as with the previous Sox-fests, was fantastic with stacks of great presentations and the usual friendly atmosphere. Many thanks to Michael Wegner and his colleagues for the superb organisation & finding such a splendid Alpine location.

F1000 recognition for MozAtlas

Dean’s MozAtlas paper has been selected by the Faculty of 1000 as a significant research article. Nice one!

FlyChip article highly accessed

Two Highly Accessed articles in a week!

MozAtlas an instant success

The MozAtlas paper receives an instant “Highly Accessed” moniker at BMC Genomics!


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