By Steve, on March 30th, 2011% Congratulations to the FlyProt team (Johanna Rees, Nick Lowe, Irina Armean, John Roote, Glynnis Johnson, Emma Drummond, Helen Spriggs, Ed Ryder, Steven Russell, Daniel St Johnston & Kathryn Lilley), particularly Jo Rees from the CCP, on the parallel affinity purification paper now accepted for publication in Molecular and Cellular Proteomics.
By jelena, on March 29th, 2011% Lab trip to the Scotland vs Brazil game happened this weekend 🙂
What a fantastic day out!
By Steve, on March 24th, 2011% The efforts of the modENCODE consortium led by Kevin White in Chicago see the light of day in a paper published in Nature today.  Well done to all the team (Nicolas Nègre, Christopher D. Brown, Lijia Ma, Christopher Aaron Bristow, Steven W. Miller, Ulrich Wagner, Pouya Kheradpour, Matthew L. Eaton, Paul Loriaux, Rachel Sealfon, Zirong Li, Haruhiko Ishii, Rebecca F. Spokony, Jia Chen, Lindsay Hwang, Chao Cheng, Richard P. Auburn, Melissa B. Davis, Marc Domanus, Parantu K. Shah, Carolyn A. Morrison, Jennifer Zieba, Sarah Suchy, Lionel Senderowicz, Alec Victorsen, Nicholas A. Bild, A. Jason Grundstad, David Hanley, David M. MacAlpine, Mattias Mannervik, Koen Venken, Hugo Bellen, Robert White, Mark Gerstein, Steven Russell, Robert L. Grossman, Bing Ren, James W. Posakony, Manolis Kellis & Kevin P. White)
By Steve, on March 21st, 2011% I seemed to have missed this with it’s stealth release over the festive season. A fantastic experiment from Pavel Tomancak’s lab.  There is a related paper from Diethard Tautz in the same issue.
By Steve, on March 21st, 2011% The 18th March issue of Cell is devoted to Systems Biology & Â includes a number of interesting reviews.
By Steve, on March 11th, 2011%
I was startled to receive through the post today a few Chinese language copies of Microarray Technology in Practice from the publisher!
A pleasant surprise indeed though obviously we can’t vouch for the reliability of the translation.
By Steve, on March 3rd, 2011% After a timescale bordering on the geological, the paper describing our development of the INDAC array probe set and the techniques for evaluating specificity is finally in press.  Well done everyone – especially Peter Sykacek for his dogged determination 🙂
Sykacek P, Kreil DP, Meadows LA, Auburn RP, Fischer B, Russell S, Micklem G. (2011) The impact of quantitative microarray optimization on gene expression analysis. BMC Bioinformatics (In Press)
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