10,000 Microarrays

FlyChip has just printed and hybridised its ten thousandth microarray!!

Thanks are due to the entire team over the years:

Lisa Meadows, Richard Auburn, Bettina Fischer, Ros Russell, Jason Skelton, David Kreil, Gos Micklem.


New Music

Been a while since I updated the Sys Bio music server – so treat yourselves to 1.5 days of new stuff.  New records from Neill & The Horse (Americana – quite magnificent), Pattie Smith, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Gravenhurst and some vintage Allman Bros.  New music includes Lost Rivers – a splendid record – and an EP from Daughter that I’m really liking.  Last but not least a collection of Donna Summers stuff in tribute to the departed Queen of Disco.  Enjoy!

It’s In!

Jelena’s Thesis is now done & dusted.  Very nice it looks to!  Well done.  Jelena is now with InterMine.


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