Best team wins

New Music

This weeks additions include: Dirty Projectors + Bjork, Old Bowie Stuff, Mystery Jets, Otis Redding, James Brown.


Louis leaving THIS WEEK!

Louis is leaving us on Friday 9th so a visit to a hostelry or two on Thursday 8th is in order, details to follow.

New on the FlyChip iTunes server

Early Rolling Stones; Early Johnny Cash; Lightnin’ Hopkins; Broken Social Scene (a Canadian Indy collective); Hot Chip; Vampire Weekend; Pendulum; MGMT; Field Music (School of Language & The Week That Was) Indy mob from Sunderland.


Lab Lunch

Wednesday (30th June), 12:30 at the Panton Arms. Come join us 🙂

World Cup

It’s the international festival of football and Steve is glued to the TV.  Mornings are best, before the games kick-off



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